The East West Foundation is committed to improving the education rate and quality throughout the entire Edaikazhinadu Panchayat of Tamil Nadu, covering 24 rural and remote villages.
Education has the capacity to transform a life and act as a catalyst to alleviate poverty in the long term. Quality education improves opportunities for all individuals, the underlying principle of all our development programs.
Our commitment to education is highlighted by the Uluru Nursery & Primary School. The English-medium school teaches students from Lower-Kindergarten to Fifth Standard, and aims at teaching our students through enquiry-based learning methods.
The Education Unit also conducts a number of community outreach education programmes, as well as focussing on computer and electronic education.

Education Programmes
An English Medium School providing children with an interactive & innovative way of learning

A technically modified bus delivers education and ICT training to rural & remote schools
English and other literacy classses are run to help the local villagers
Delivering ICT training & education to community members of all ages
Many variety of educational programmes are run to help the local villagers